In Review
Purushotham JN*, Lutz HL*, Parker E, Andersen KG. Pathogen emergence and evolution in increasingly complex immune landscapes. In Review. Immunity.
*Co-first authors
Purushotham JN*, Lutz HL*, Parker E, Andersen KG. Pathogen emergence and evolution in increasingly complex immune landscapes. In Review. Immunity.
*Co-first authors
In Press
(33) Wells K, Bell JA, Fecchio A, Drovetski S, Galen S, Hackett S, Lutz HL, Skeen HR, Voelker G, Wamiti W, Weckstein JD, Clark NJ. Parasite Abundance-Occupancy relationships across biogeographic regions: Joint effects of niche breadth, host availability and climate. In Press. Journal of Biogeography.
(33) Wells K, Bell JA, Fecchio A, Drovetski S, Galen S, Hackett S, Lutz HL, Skeen HR, Voelker G, Wamiti W, Weckstein JD, Clark NJ. Parasite Abundance-Occupancy relationships across biogeographic regions: Joint effects of niche breadth, host availability and climate. In Press. Journal of Biogeography.
(32) Linnehan BK, Kodera S, Allard SM, Brodie EC, Allaband C, Knight R, Lutz HL, Carroll MC, Meegan JM, Jensen ED, Gilbert JA. Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of fecal microbiota transplantations in bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) using metagenomic sequencing. Journal of Applied Microbiobioloy, 135, Ixae026.
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(31) Demos, T.C., Webala, P.W., Goodman, S.M., Kerbis Peterhans, J.C., Lutz, H.L., Agwanda, B.R., Cortés-Delgado, N., Briones, S. Ree, R.H., Patterson, B.D. Ultraconserved elements resolve phylogenetic relationships and biogeographic history of African-Malagasy bent-winged bats (Miniopterus). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 188, 107890.
(30) Kelliher, J.M., Rudolph, M. Vangay, P., Abbas, A., Borton, M.A., Davenport, E.R., Davenport, K.W., Erazo, N.G., Herman, C. Karstens, L., Kocurek, B., Lutz, H.L., Myers, K.S., Ockert, I., Rodrigues, F.E., Santistevan, J.K., Smith, M.L., Vogtmann, E., Windsor, A., Wood-Chalrson, W.M., Woodley, L., Eloe-Fadrosh, E.A. Cohort-based learning for microbiome research community standards. Nature Microbiology, 8, 751-753.
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(29) Herder, E. A., Lutz, H. L., Hird, S. M. Body size poorly predicts host-associated microbial diversity in wild birds. Microbiology Spectrum. e03749-22, 1-19.
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(28) Kodera, S., Sharma, A., Martino, C., Dsouza, M., Grippo, M., Cox, A., Lutz, H. L., Knight, R. K., Gilbert, J. A., Negri, C., Allard, S. M. Microbiome response in an urban river system is dominated by seasonality over wastewater treatment upgrades. Environmental Microbiome. 18 (1), 1-14.
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(27) Shaffer, J.P.*, Louis-Félix Nothias, L. N.*, Thompson, L. R.*, Sanders, J. G., Salido, R.A. , Couvillion, S.P., Brejnrod, A.D., Huang, S., Lejzerowicz, F., Lutz, H.L., Zhu, Q., Martino, C., Morton, J.T., Karthikeyan, S., Nothias-Esposito, M., Dürkhop, K., Böcker, S., Kim, H., Askenov, A.A., Bittremieux, W., Minich, J.J., Marotz, C., Bryant, M.M., Sanders, K.1, Schwartz, T., Humphrey, G., Vásquez-Baeza, Y., Tripathi, A., Parida, L., Carrieri, A.P., Haiminen, N., Beck, K.L., Das, P., González, A., McDonald, D., Karst, S.M., Albertsen, M., Ackermann, G., DeReus, J., Thomas, T., Petras, D., Shade, A., Stegen, J., Song, S.J., Metz, T.O., Swafford, A.D., Dorrestein, P.C. , Jansson, J.K., Gilbert, J.A., Knight, R., & the Earth Microbiome Project 500 (EMP500) Consortium. Standardized multi-omics profiling of Earth’s microbiomes reveals microbial and metabolite diversity. Nature Microbiology. 7(12), 2128-2150.
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(26) Porter, M. L., Lutz, H. L., Steck, M., Chong, R. A. The complete mitochondrial genomes and phylogenetic analysis of two Nycteribiidae bat flies (Diptera:Hippoboscoidea). Mitochondrial DNA Part B. 7(8), 1486-1488.
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(25) Colella, J. P., Greiman, S. E., Kutz, S., Lutz, H. L., Cook, J. A. Genomic identification and surveillance of infectious disease in natural systems. In C. Holleley & O. Berry (eds) Applied Environmental Genomics, CSIRO, Canberra, Australia.
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(24) Kodera, S., Das, P., Gilbert, J. A., Lutz, H. L. Conceptual strategies for characterizing interactions in microbial communities. iScience.
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(23) Dodiya, H. B., Lutz, H. L., Patel, P., Leibowitz, J., Zhang, C., Weigle, I., Xia, J., Oshomuvwe, D. Olszewski, M., Zhang, X., Schipma, M. J., Butovsky, O., Tanzi, R. E., Gilbert, J. A., Sisodia, S. S. Gut microbiota-driven brain Aβ amyloidosis requires Microglia. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 219:1, e20200895
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(22) Fecchio A, Clark NJ, Bell JA, Skeen H, Lutz HL, Vaughan JA, De La Torre GM, Tkach VV, Schunck FC, Ferreira FC, Braga ÉM, Lugarini C, Wamiti W, Dispoto JH, Galen SC, Kirchgatter K, Sagario MC, Cueto VR, González-Acuña D, Inumaru M, Sato Y, Schumm YR, Quillfeldt P, Pellegrino I, Dharmarajan G, Gupta P, Robin VV, Cilolgu A, Yildirim A, Huang X, Chapa-Vargas L, Álvarez-Mendizábal P, Santiago-Alarcon D, Drovetski SV, Hellgren O, Voelker G, Ricklefs RE, Hackett SJ, Collins MD, Weckstein JD, Wells K. 2021. Global drivers of avian haemosporidian infections vary across zoogeographical regions. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 30 (12), 2393-2406.
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(21) Lutz, H. L., Gilbert, J. A., Dick, C. W. Associations between Afrotropical bats, eukaryotic parasites, and microbial symbionts. Molecular Ecology. 31 (7), 1939-1950.
doi: 10.1111/mec.16044.
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Cover Illustration:
Natal long-fingered bat (Miniopterus natalensis) parasitized by a male bat fly (Penicillidia fulvida) on the wall of a diatomite min near Nakuru, Kenya. Credit: Holly L. Lutz
(21) Lutz, H. L., Gilbert, J. A., Dick, C. W. Associations between Afrotropical bats, eukaryotic parasites, and microbial symbionts. Molecular Ecology. 31 (7), 1939-1950.
doi: 10.1111/mec.16044.
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Cover Illustration:
Natal long-fingered bat (Miniopterus natalensis) parasitized by a male bat fly (Penicillidia fulvida) on the wall of a diatomite min near Nakuru, Kenya. Credit: Holly L. Lutz
(20) Colella, J.P., Bates, J., Burneo, S. F., Camacho, M. A.,Bonilla, C. C., Constable, I., D'Elía, G., Dunnum, J. L., Greiman, S.; Hoberg, E. P., Lessa, E., Liphardt, S. W., Londoño-Gaviria, M., Losos, E., Lutz, H. L., Garza, N. O., Peterson, A. T., Martin, M. L., Ribas, C. C., Struminger, B., Pérez, F. T., Thompson, C. W., Weksler, M., Cook, J. A. Leveraging natural history biorepositories as a global, decentralized, pathogen surveillance network. PLoS Pathogens.
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(19) Özen, S.*, Lutz, H. L.*, Rivera, V. M., Batu, E. D., Anderson, E., Salas Garcia, Aldrovandi, M. G., Pazarbasi, İ, Akbaba, T., Bilginer, Y., Balat. A., Peynircioglu, B., Reiff, A., Gilbert, J. A., Dedeoglu, F., Hausmann, J. S. Microbiome is not linked to clinical disease severity of Familial Mediterranean Fever in an international cohort of children. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. In Press.
*Co-first authors
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(18) Lutz, H. L., Vangelatos A., Gottel N., Osculati A., Visona S., Finley S. J., Tuomisto S., Karhunen P., Gilbert J. A., T. Javan G. T. Effects of extended postmortem interval on microbial communities in organs of the human cadaver. Frontiers in Microbiology, 11:569630.
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(17) Jackson, E. W., Wilhelm, R., Johnson, M., Lutz, H. L., Danforth, I., Gaydos, J., Hart, M., Hewson, I. 2020. Diversity of sea star-associated densoviruses and transcribed endogenized viral elements of densovirus origin. Journal of Virology, JVI.01594-20. doi: 10.1128/JVI.01594-20
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(16) Miller, S.E., Barrow, L.N., Ehlman, S.M., Goodheart, J.A., Greiman, S.E., Lutz, H.L., Misiewicz,T.M., Smith, S.M., Tan, M., Thawley, C.J., Cook, J.A., Light, J.E. 2020. Building natural history collections for the 21st Century and beyond. BioScience, 70(8), doi:10.1093/biosci/biaa069
(15) Song, S. J., Sanders, J., Delsuc, F., Metcalf, J. Amato, K., Taylor, M. W., Mazel, F., Lutz, H. L., Winker, K., Graves, G. R., Humphrey, G., Gilbert, J. A., Hackett, S. J., White, K. P., Skeen, H. R., Kurtis, S. M., Withrow, J., Braile, T., Miller, M., McCracken, K., Maley, J., Blanton, J. M., McKenzie, V. J., Knight, R. 2020. Comparative analyses of vertebrate gut microbiomes reveal convergence between birds and bats. mBio. doi:10.1128/mBio.02901-19
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(14) Lutz, H. L., Jackson E. W., Webala, P. W., Babyesiza, W. S., Kerbis Peterhans, J. C., Demos, T. C., Patterson, B. D., Gilbert, J. A. 2019. Ecology and host identity outweigh evolutionary history in shaping the bat microbiome. mSystems, doi:10.1128/mSystems.00511-19
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(13) Demos T. C., Webala P. W., Lutz, H. L., Kerbis Peterhans J. C., Goodman S. M., Cortés-Delgado N., Bartonjo M., Patterson B. D. 2019. Molecular systematics and coalescent delimitation of a cryptic radiation of African long-fingered bats (Chiroptera, Miniopteridae). Zoologica Scripta. 49:1-13, doi:10.1111/zsc.12388
(12) Fecchio, A., Bell, J., Bosholn, M., Vaughan, J., Tkach, V., Lutz, H. L.; Cueto, V., Gorosito, C., González-Acuña, D., Stromlund, C., Kvasager, D., Comiche, K., Kirchgatter, K., Pinho, J., Berv, J., Anciaes, M., Fontana, C., Zyskowski, K., Sampaio, S., Dispoto, J., Galen, S., Weckstein, J. D., Clark, N. 2019. An inverse latitudinal gradient in infection probability and phylogenetic diversity for Leucocytozoon blood parasites in New World birds. Journal of Animal Ecology. 89(2):423-435, doi:10.1111/1365‐2656.13117
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(11) Phillips C. D., Dunnum J. L., Dowler R. C., Bradley L. C., Garner H. J., MacDonald K. A., Lim B.K., Revelez M. A., Campbell M. L., Lutz, H. L., Cook J. A., Bradley R. D., and the Systematic Collections Committee of the American Society of Mammalogists. 2019. Curatorial guidelines and standards of the American Society of Mammalogists for collections of genetic resources. Journal of Mammalogy, 100(6), 1690-1694.
(10) Lutz, H. L., Ramírez-Puebla T., Abbo L., Durand A., Schlundt C., Sjaarda A. K., Gottel N., Hanlon R. T., Gilbert J. A., Mark Welch J. L. 2019. A simple microbiome in the European common Cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. mSystems.00177-19.
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(9) Fecchio, A., Bell, J.A., Pinheiro, R., Cueto, V., Gorosito, C., Lutz, H.L., Gaiotti, M., Paiva, L., França, L., Toledo-Lima, G., Tolentino, M., Pinho, J., Tkach, V., Fontana, C., Grande, J., Santillán, M., Caparroz, R., Roos, A., Bessa, R., Nogueira, W., Moura, T., Nolasco, E., Comiche, K., Kirchgatter, K., Guimarães, L., Dispoto, J., Marini, M., Weckstein, J.D., Batalha-Filho, H., Collins, M. D. 2019. Avian host composition, local speciation, and dispersal drive the regional assembly of avian malaria parasites in South American birds. Molecular Ecology, 28(10), 2681-2693.
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(8) Barrow, L.N., McNew, S.M., Mitchell, N., Galen, S.C., Lutz, H.L., Skeen, H., Valqui, T., Weckstein, J.D., Witt, C.C. 2019. Deeply conserved susceptibility in a multi-host, multi-parasite system. Ecology Letters, 22(6), 987-998.
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(7) Fecchio, A., Wells, K., Bell, J. A., Tkach, V. V., Lutz, H. L., Weckstein, J. D., Clegg, S. M., Clark, N. J. 2019. Climate variation influences host specificity in avian malaria parasites. Ecology Letters, 22(3), 547-557.
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(6) Lutz, H. L., Carryl, S., Santymire, R. M. 2019. Wildlife Microbial Genomics and Endocrinology. In D. Marco (editor). Microbial Ecology: Current advances from genomics, metagenomics, and other “omics” approaches. Caister Academic Press, Poole, UK.
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(5) Lutz, H. L., Tkach, V. T., Weckstein, J. D. 2017. Methods for Specimen-based Studies of Avian Symbionts. Pp. 157-183 in M. S. Webster (editor). The Extended Specimen: Emerging Frontiers in Collections-based Ornithological Research. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 50). CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
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(4) Lutz, H. L., Marra, N. J., Grewe, F., Carlson, J., Palinauskas, V. Valkiūnas, G., Stanhope, M. J. 2016. Laser capture microdissection microscopy and next generation genome sequencing of the avian malaria parasite, Plasmodium relictum. Parasitology Research, 115(12), 4503-4510.
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(3) Lutz, H. L., Patterson, B. D., Kerbis, J. C., Webala, P. W., Stanley, W. T., Gnoske, T. P., Hackett, S. J., Stanhope, M. J. 2016. Diverse sampling of East African haemosporidians reveals chiropteran origin of malaria parasites in primates and rodents. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 99, 7-15.
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(3) Lutz, H. L., Patterson, B. D., Kerbis, J. C., Webala, P. W., Stanley, W. T., Gnoske, T. P., Hackett, S. J., Stanhope, M. J. 2016. Diverse sampling of East African haemosporidians reveals chiropteran origin of malaria parasites in primates and rodents. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 99, 7-15.
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(2) Lutz, HL, Hochachka, WM, Engel, JI, Bell, JA, Tkach, VV, Bates, JM, Hackett, SJ, Weckstein, JD. 2015. Parasite prevalence corresponds to host life history in a diverse assemblage of Afrotropical birds and haemosporidian parasites. PLoS ONE doi:10.1371/journal/pone.012154.
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(1) Lutz, HL, Weckstein, JD, Patané, JL, Bates, JM, Aleixo, A. 2013. Biogeography and spatio-temporal diversification of Selenidera and Andigena toucans (Aves:Ramphastidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69, 873 – 883.
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(1) Lutz, HL, Weckstein, JD, Patané, JL, Bates, JM, Aleixo, A. 2013. Biogeography and spatio-temporal diversification of Selenidera and Andigena toucans (Aves:Ramphastidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 69, 873 – 883.
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