The Andean cloud forests of Northern Peru are under serious threat from Anthropogenic disturbance. As part of a Field Museum survey of avian biodiversity, I worked with Drs. Ben Winger, Aaron Savit, and David Willard at several sites ranging from mid- to high-elevation forests. We collected a substantial series that also provided new data for ectoparasites and blood parasites.
La Merced, 2011
For once, a non-research trip (at least, no research done by me). My brother and I traveled down to Peru to visit with a dear friend and botanist, John Janovec. His recent acquisition of some montane forest was a draw, and we went to help him scope it out and make brief observations of the land's present biodiversity. Despite having been subjected to recent burns on one side, it is a beautiful piece of land with great potential, now that it is under the protection of John and his family.